Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why do people cheat?

I was reading an article the other day in a magazine about couple's and the percent that are faithful to each other over a long period of time. The statistics were ridiculous, less than 40% of couples are true to each other over lengthy intervals. I wondered how one could live with themselves once they had done such a thing. This exploration soon became a reality.

In the past week I’ve been hearing stories of couples and ex couples hooking up with other people and cheating. Never personally having experienced such an instance I sat back and looked at what it has done to people. It tears relationships apart; it damages friendships, love, and trust. So why cheat? I can’t bring myself to understand the concept. Why is the idea of being with someone else so fascinating? If you are happy with the person you are with, why hurt them? And if you're not happy with someone then you shouldn't be in that relationship. You break up with someone before you become unfaithful.

Three friends of mine have recently been cheated on or done the act of cheating. Nothing good has come out of it. They’ve lost the people they truly love and made enemies with the people who they never did. They have become alone and they can only blame themselves. So it brings me back to my question, as I sit and watch my friends cry themselves to sleep at night, what does cheating justify? What do you prove by such an act, and what good comes from it?

1 comment:

CEC said...

This is a good topic. I realize that married couples might not just split up because of kids and other reasons, and therefore not tell their partners that they want out of a marriage. But if you are talking about people your own age who are not yet married to each other, I think you are right to ask, why not just be honest and say you do not want to be in a committed relationship anymore?