Sunday, December 7, 2008


I commented on I Heart Question Mark's Blog relating to the RA.


I commented on Paris Hilton's Blog, Christmas Break Can't come Soon Enough.


I recently received an alcohol violation through SMU. Funny thing is I wasn't drinking and I wasn't in possession of anything. My roommate's sister and her friends, who graduated from SMU last year, came to visit during the homecoming game. This means that yes, they were of legal age. They brought a bottle of wine and vodka to drink while we all caught up, then my roommate and I took them out to dinner. We did not drink the alcohol. The older girls asked if they could keep the bottle in our room so that they weren’t carrying it around all night, which is extremely reasonable. Of course, we said yes. The next day a random inspection of our rooms took place. We gladly opened up our doors. It wasn’t until we had left our room that we realized there was their left over alcohol still there. We came back to an alcohol violation and a fine of $200. I wasn’t too concerned because I was convinced that SMU would be understanding and take the violation away. The more we fought the less SMU cared. All they were concerned with receiving money. We even had her sister go and talk to the school and take the blame for it. However they continued to care less. I now have had to retake alcohol edu, pay a large fine, take an alcohol awareness class, and write a paper. I’m sorry but to me this is ridiculous. There needs to be a more clearly defined policy on alcohol in the dorms. We were unaware no alcoholic substance was allowed in the dorms. Has anyone else had a problem like this? I think it is overwhelming to think our school is more concerned with fining and punishing their students than understanding them.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I made a comment on KDC's Blog Registration 2-3 Hours. I found it sad and appalling how SMU has sorted their priorities.
I am currently watching a DVD TV series called 2075 on the Discovery Channel. I not sure if the data shown in the series is 100% correct but wow...I think everyone who is interested in the future should for sure watch it. The series takes you through what the world will be like in the year 2075. From digital holographs to being able to print an organ, I am constantly on the edge of my seat. One of the more interesting topics on this show was the idea that cars will be driving themselves. I'm sorry but is that even possible, more importantly is it necessary? An argument with a close friend of mine helped me to decipher the difference. A car driving itself is said to eliminate traffic on roads. But wouldn’t a car be making the same decisions a human would be? How can the power of a self instructed car prevent traffic caused by rush hour and merging?
I made a comment on GetSomeYeah's blog on hookah chronicles. I discussed the idea that this obsession is something that comes along with a certain comfort obtained from either drinking or smoking. With everyone new to college and out on there own, the so called party scene is an easy way out. WIth so many people at fault of being "blackout" drunk it's hard to regret the choices and actions you made because its likely you're not on your own. When people get drunk their senses relax, along with smoking, and feel the need to connect and feel understood by others. I personally feel like it is easier for guys to approach girls when the have a little courage from a substance, and vice versa for girls to guys. This hasn't become so much of an obsession but rather an area of comfort for a teenager in a vulnerable situation. The problem however lies in the fact that we lack the confidence on our own.